Q $ Ans section 2

Q3:How to add free disk space in hard drive?

Ans:used Norton Partition Magic to resize drive 20 GB to 10 GB. It will successfully resized (20 GB to 10 GB)

Q4:What is the basic difference between a PC and a Mac?

Ans:Before Intel based Mac's it was the hardware and software. Previously Mac's where based on Motorola processors such as the G3, G4, etc. Other hardware such as RAM, hard drives, cd drives, video cards, etc where the same. The software on previous Macs at first ran MacOS which was a VERY proprietary operating system. Recent Mac's use Mac OS X which is based on BSD. BSD is a Linux based operating system which is very secure and scalable. Since it is Linux based it works on nearly all hardware, and now that Macs are based on Intel chipsets they can run both Windows XP/Vista and OS X. The actually run Windows faster than PCs.

Apple's Mac OS X is also the most intuitive operating system out, which means it is the most user friendly. You never have weird odd-ball erros with OS X like you do with Windows. Truth be known that the Windows user interface is actually based on Mac OS. If someone is switching from a PC to Mac OS they will have no problem and will probably be amazed at how simple, and easy the interface is.

People who argue the pros of a Mac have probably never used on. I used to be like that until I used one; since then I have owned four; I still own many PC's.
