Photo Shop: Make Mickey mouse face part2

Step   8:-
               Now select elliptical marquee tool and make eyes.Goto edit> stroke.. which make the eye outline.then select ellipse tool to make nose.

Step   9:-
         Again do the same for make mouth and rub the unnecessary line. 

Step   11:-
                 Merge the mouth layers.Create new layer and make a circle (tongue) and fill the mouth with black color with the help of paint bucket tool.

Step  12 :-
            Now goto layer and select create clipping mask.(make sure that mouth layer should be below)

Step  13 :-

Use dodge tool to create shade on ear and nose...


Owais said…
For photoshop 6 or 7 there is no option of create clipping mask .You can use group with previous layer.Just goto layer>group with previous layer